In an interview with Recode Decode podcast host Kara Swisher which was
released on Monday, Kim Kardashian said she didn't understand what the
big deal was when the naked selfie she posted in March of this year,
created such backlash, when people had seen her naked hundred times
"I truly was baffled when people still cared. They have seen me naked
500 times. The censor bar literally was probably more covered than a
bikini. I could not grasp how people were so outraged."
'Some people were outraged because I am a mom, some people were so
I just think it looks good, I am really not trying to cause a
reaction.'My personality has never been. "I’m such a feminist, follow me
and be naked!” ' she said.
'If you are conservative and that's how you are comfortable, more power
to you. I respect you. You don't have to look at what I do.'
"If I like the photo, and I'm into it, I'll post it...I just think it looks good. I'm really not trying to cause a reaction."
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